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Love of 理念: Love of 提供現代生活女性休閒時尚感的歐美風格服飾,傳達愛戀自我風格的意念,讓每位顧客能透過 Love of 的服飾,感受到更豐富的生活故事。 Love of 風格: 歐美時尚風格穿著。 Love of 保證: 服飾設計與製造皆由 Love of 垂直整合及監控,除了品質保證外,Love of 的產品絕對會帶給妳 自信、喜悅、時尚! Love of 服務: Love of 除了在 Facebook 網路購物上販售 Love of 服飾,在東區頂好名店城裡的店面提供試穿及取貨服務,當然也會有網路購物上看不到的精美服飾等著妳發掘!貼心的 Love of 也會現場提供好喝的咖啡供妳享用,讓妳擁有 VIP 的購物體驗!
本公司"Macho Of Style"起於2004年.目前有3間分店~ 士林安平店 士林大南店 師大店 ~ 以男性服飾精品為主
Pencom’s “Manufactured globally, supplied locally” philosophy provides customers with low cost global manufacturing, while still offering localized inventory and technical support. Founded in 1982 by William A. Gardiner, Pencom has been awarded preferred supplier status by many of the worlds largest OEM’s and contract manufacturers. The company employs more than 400 people globally and has approximately 145,000 square feet of manufacturing space at its various locations. ISO certified, Pencom is committed to supplying our customers with quality parts on time. This philosophy transverses the entire Pencom staff from senior management to shipping. Full-service capabilities in design, engineering and manufacturing, with an innovative ability to supply low-tech components with a high-tech inventory system, sets Pencom apart from its competition. The company offers precision machining, turning, milling, screw machining and stamping for prototypes and high volume production. These processes are used to manufacture captive screws, inserts, latches, spacers, self-clinching nuts and other mechanical hardware, including ejectors and handles. It also produces electro-mechanical components, such as switches and connectors, and thermal management components, such as custom heat sinks, heat pipes and ducting. With an eye towards the future, Pencom’s “Visible Inventory” System, provides customers with the opportunity to view their inventory in “real time,” eliminating the use of manual counting or bar coding.
我們的標誌——古埃及圖騰 “荷魯斯之眼”(eye of Horus) 象徵人類的六感之門 “視、聽、嗅、味、觸、心” 通過六感之門 世上美好事物的能量 能進入我們的生命 滋養我們的靈魂 感到飢餓疲倦 或靈感枯竭的時刻 推開Rebrith Café 的大門 進入這個為六感提供糧食的舒適空間 享受食物、咖啡、茶與酒的色香味 聆聽美好的音樂 無論是三五好友相聚 或自己安靜獨處 在Rebrith Café 都讓你找回每日重生的力量
SS Co., was established in 2005. Founder had earlier served as head of OPH Department in Pharmica Company. Before the establishment of SS Co , the founder has been dedicated to sale of eye care pharmaceuticals, nutritional supplements, ocular surgical devices Based on business needs, at the end of 2009 set up a subsidiary Cosmos-bio, Inc., responsible for the introduction of foreign raw materials and finished products. We have 600 dealers, including Medical Centers, hospitals, and two of the largest health care access: WELLCARE(200 branches)and MedFirst Healthcare Services, Inc(160 branches) Our company employs 7 people. Ophthalmic products sales staff have many years of extensive sales experience. They have worked for Alcon, AMO, Pharmica. It is a group of professional sales staff Our annual turnover is more than one million U.S. dollars in 2009. Major Products & Services l LUTEIN Eye Vitamin and Mineral Supplement l Cranberry caps l Collagen l DLPC soft caps l Sale of prescription drugs l Distributor of UNION CHEM &PHARM CO.,LTD.--latanoprost eye drops &( latanoprost+timolol) eye drops l ASPHERIC IOL
宏達國際電子股份有限公司(以下簡稱HTC)創立於1997年5月,致力於設計、製造與行銷各類新穎、優越且多功能的智慧型手持行動裝置協助消費者突破工作地點的限制,真正享受到數位科技與行動化對生活所帶來的自由感受。 HTC的員工以自身的專業加上對完美的執著,面對各種的挑戰都能憑藉強烈的熱情與豐富的創造力,使HTC不斷地提升全球競爭力。HTC是一家擁有創新能量的優質品牌,在HTC,員工可以持續、快速地在全球市場不斷歷練學習,站在全球的舞台上和世界一流的人才競技、成長。 HTC的品牌價值著重於對使用者的完全了解。希望使用者能在接觸與使用HTC產品的過程中,得到最大的滿足與快樂;從品質到服務都可以從HTC得到獨特與驚奇的經驗。基於此,HTC執行長周永明先生揭示了公司的五大核心價值:誠實(Honest)、謙虛(Humble)、簡單(Simple)、活力(Dynamic)、創新(Innovative)。 誠實(Honest):.我們總是言行一致。 謙虛(Humble) :我們或許成就非凡,但我們從不自視甚高與張揚。 簡單(Simple):我們儘可能讓事情變的清楚、直覺,與易於理解。 活力(Dynamic):我們大膽行動,靈活應變。 創新(Innovative):我們擁抱改變,探索未知;勇於挑戰新領域,永遠領先一步。 這些理念反應了我們對待客戶的方式、產業設計、溝通方式,以至於經營方式。 展望未來,HTC將以更新的科技及更佳的陣容、勇敢面對未來的挑戰,在全球行動通訊領域為消費者創造更佳的福址。 榮耀里程 2009 October HTC Hero 贏得英國三大電信獎項: * Stuff 科技時尚誌「年度風雲產品獎」(Gadget of the Year) * Mobile Choice 雜誌「年度最佳手機」 * T3 雜誌「年度最佳手機」 2009 October HTC 正式推出全球廣告行銷活動與全新品牌定位「Quietly Brilliant」 2009 September HTC 被亞洲富比士雜誌(Forbes Asia)評選為50家亞洲最佳企業(Fabulous 50)之一 2009 June HTC 正式推出 HTC Sense™ 及首款採用 HTC Sense™ 的手機 HTC Hero™ 2008 December HTC 宣佈購併美國知名設計公司One Co.強化設計實力 2008 November 俄羅斯電信業者 SCARTEL 與 HTC 推出全球第一支 GSM/WiMAX 整合式雙模手機 2008 September HTC 推出全球首款 Android 平台手機 T-Mobile G1 2008 September HTC 被亞洲富比士雜誌(Forbes Asia)評選為50家亞洲最佳企業(Fabulous 50)之一 2008 May HTC 獲美國《商業週刊》評選為「2008全球資訊科技一百強」第十名 2006 December HTC 獲得由投資關係(IR)雜誌所頒發的「最佳進步投資者關係獎」 2006 September HTC 獲美國《商業週刊》評選為亞洲最佳績效企業第四名 2006 July HTC 獲美國《商業週刊》評選為「2006全球資訊科技一百強」第四名 2005 November HTC 在英國成立歐洲分公司 HTC Europe 2005 October HTC 獲美國《商業週刊》亞洲上市公司最佳績效首次年度評選第31名 HTC 獲天下雜誌評選為2005台灣地區最佳聲望標竿企業第十名 2005 July HTC 董事長王雪紅獲美國《商業週刊》評選為2005年亞洲之星之創新者(25位走在改變前端的領導者之一) 2005 June HTC 獲美國《商業週刊》評選為「2005全球資訊科技一百強」第十一名 2003 March HTC 被美國《商業週刊》譽為最新的台灣科技之星(Tech all-star) 2003 January HTC 被亞元雜誌(Asia Money)評選為2002年台灣地區「最佳新上市公司」 2002 May HTC 推出彩色螢幕 PDA 手機 1997 May HTC 在台灣成立
Telemosa, Inc. is a company with explosive growth potential, expert of broadband platform, focused in the system architecture; H/W & S/W integration, innovative and custom design for broadband networks. We are: - Exclusive vendor to MOTOROLA with proprietary CPE solution for the SME solution - Largest Triple-Play CPE vendor to PCCW for NOW broadband TV - Join development partner of NTTBP for a powerful mobile internet solution We offer competitive compensation package and challenging career prospect to the right person. Please send us your detailed resume with job applied.
[關於昇鼎] SDT昇鼎科技創立於1992年,以電腦零組件、週邊配備銷售批發、網路整合服務為主要企業營運項目,成立至今20年來我們擁有廣大的客戶以及合作廠商,專業、創新、堅持、高品質是我們堅持的經營理念。 "成為我的客戶 成就您的視野 Better than the Best" [服務項目] APP程式•開發•設計 iOS APP開發:iPhone、iPad、iPod Android APP開發: Phone、Pad Windows Phone APP程式開發 Mac APP 設計開發 Linux APP系統開發 Internet of Things物聯網 Facebook應用程式 Facebook App程式開發 APP租賃 社群電子型錄/eCatalog 多媒體電子型錄/FlashCard 影音商城/VideoStore 書城/BookStore 影城/Cinema 型錄書城/iPdf 全媒體雜誌館/SuperNova 整合性網路行銷 網頁設計 網站建置 電子商務 Yahoo、Google關鍵字 SEO搜尋引擎優化 部落格行銷|社群行銷 口碑行銷|病毒式行銷 網路活動企劃與執行 網頁設計 網站建置 活動頁面設計 網站改版 圖片/影像處理 動畫設計 企業形象LOGO 設計 橫幅廣告(Banner)設計 行動網站製作(Mobile Web) 行動商務大師快易版 行動商務大師旗艦版
Since 2005, the year of our founding, NuForce has been devoted to the development of consumer-electronic products that thrill the ear, delight the eye and please the pocket - in short, best-in-class at every price point. Built upon patented technologies, our switching amps, which have earned us Amplifier-of-the-Year awards in the United States and Japan, have likewise established our position at the forefront of audio’s fiercely competitive marketplace. We’ve also made a significant name for ourselves with our line of audiophile-grade earphones, earphone amps, and digital-to-analog converters.
Every lipstick case has a story to tell. Just imagine: Precise injections, 10 quality control checks and detailed inspection along the way! That’s what each lipstick case goes through. Following, we present the superior quality cosmetic container. KING SAN-YOU was established in 1986 and is a leading cosmetic container manufacturer in Taiwan. We are a specialized supplier of lipstick containers, compact cases, eye-shadow cases, and roll-on bottles. We can provide a wide range of designs, specifications and product grades based on your requirements. Furthermore, we personalize to develop private moulds and designs with clients. With high quality products, timely delivery, excellent service, and competitive prices, we have established favorable and credible business relationships with customers worldwide. Our products are exported to clients in USA, UK, France, Japan, Saudi Arabia etc. We sincerely welcome you to be our business partner.
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